How Hope Can Get You Through The Dark Days

The year 2020 has been a year of unforeseen circumstances that will leave one feeling a sense of despair, hopelessness, and reluctance to sense a brighter day ahead. All of the unwanted feelings and the loss of hope you’ve experienced in 2020 are from those situations you wanted to go differently. Whatever your thing is […]
When It Feels Like God Is Not Leading You Right Now.

You are protected, even though you can’t see the protection or the specific details of understanding how a greater power protects you. My experience: I go home to see my parents; I travel the same route each time. To make it a safe ride home, I always pray before I hit the road, and I […]
How To Be At Peace In The Midst Of Chaos

Peace is looking for you. Be open to allowing it to flow through you. As I go through the difficulties that happen in ‘real-life,’ I take some time, quiet myself, and pour out those feelings of uneasiness, turmoil, doubt, fear, or whatever it is I’m feeling that’s causing me to leave my peace in the […]
3 Things You Can Do To Stop The Worry Within

Beautiful people, as such a time as this (COVID-19 in 2020), I’m wondering….Why? But then, I get a glimpse within where I see how God works it out, but it takes patience, faith, and communing with God daily to see His hand move in a mighty way. So, if you’re struggling in this season of […]
When God’s Timing Is Taking Too Long In Your Life

Have you ever wondered, ‘when is it going to be my time…?’ A question such as the one mentioned above could refer to those things you pray about, that un-joyful situation you want to be over, the family member you’re concerned about, or it could refer to you wondering will something great ever knock on […]
What Is The Meaning Of Life And How To Find Yours

Life. What is it? How do you handle it? What does one do when they feel lost in life? The researcher in me has me wondering about ‘life’ because some moments life will bring you joy, then other moments life will bring you those unwanted emotions you don’t want to embrace. My definition of life […]
When Life Challenges You There Is A Chance For Hope

Life will happen. It happens when you least expect it to happen. It happens when it’s an inconvenience to you; it happens when something else is already happening; it just happens. The Creator does not give us the specific day, nor the time situations happen. He gives us the opportunity to make the decision to […]
When God Allows Things To Happen To You…

Are you silently walking around wondering why God allowed all of this to happen? That’s a common thought that comes across many minds, so know that you’re not on an island by yourself. One of my favorite books of the Bible is Job (ha! someone told me that they see me as the modern-day Job […]
How To Handle What God Wants In His Timing

Are you in a place today where you feel God has forgotten your desires? Your desires could be several different things where you’re waiting for God to change ‘it,’ or waiting for Him to bring something into your life that you’ve wanted for quite some time. Wherever you are with your thought process, I want […]
When Things Feel Out Of Control—God Has It Under Control

Have you ever wondered if God has your situation under control? Well, I want to use this blog post to inspire you and to let you know God has everything under control because He created you, time, the air you breathe, and the daylight and nightfall you experience each day. With all of those things, […]