God gives grace each day for you to take it one day at a time, not a week, month, or year at a time.
A recent situation
I’m the type of person that does not like for things to be out of commission in my home. When something is not working the way it’s designed to work, I feel unorganized, unsatisfied, and disappointed when it does not go the way I hoped. For example, my husband purchased a new microwave for our home that has to be installed above the stove. The installers took down the old microwave, got the new one out of its box, and then I hear one of the installers say, “Mam…” I thought, oh, Lord….”we’re not able to install your microwave today because the support system from the old microwave is not enough to support the new microwave.” Huh?! “We’re not able to install your new microwave until you go to Home Depot and have them cut a piece of wood with these measurements…” Huh?
Long story short, on Tuesday, I felt unorganized, unsatisfied, and disappointed because my new microwave was not installed. The incidence led me to an undesirable situation that I wanted fixed immediately.
That day, I learned when a situation looks hopeless from the outside, if you take a deep breath, feel your emotions, you will extend yourself comfort, which temporarily brings peace at that moment. The acts you take when feeling hopeless can make little differences in your day that brings you a knowing that all is well with your situation.
Situations in life
You may be in a situation that has you feeling unorganized, lost, dissatisfied, unloved, hopeless, and alone. I’m here to let you know there is a process you’re going through to get you connected to the new way of life that is around the curve if you don’t faint on what you desire to be present in your life.
It’s not convenient, but as you keep holding on to God’s hand (surrendering ‘it’ to Him), He will bring everything full circle the way that is best for you. When God brings matters full circle, He will take the heartache that you’ve gone through and use that to propel you forward. Moreover, this speaks to how God uses all of the things that tried to ‘take you down’ ——and transforms those things into beauty.
The process is not simple nor is it desirable, but it’s needed to purify those areas that God wants to bring to the surface so that you are prepared to receive what He has for you as you walk through this stage in life.
Words of love
- May you find peace as you go through this season of your life.
- May you connect to God’s hand using your heart.
- May you give all of your troubles to Him by being honest with God about how you feel.
- As you go through each day may peace that passes all of your understanding connect to your mind.
I encourage you to keep going…