How To Fix A Situation That Involves Others

Starting From a Hobby, To Producing Various Types of Handicrafts

Have you ever wanted something to happen your way, but you kept feeling defeated because it was not happening on your timeline?

Well, as humans, it’s natural for us to want to fix it (hopefully, I’m not on an island by myself). However, when we ‘fix it’ or try to ‘fix people,’ we end up making a sweet mess out of it.

In real life, I connect with people from all parts of life that I want to ‘fix’ because they are not doing things the way “I think” they should go in the situation that is connecting me to them (ha! don’t judge me, beautiful people).

These days, when I feel myself wanting to fix it or the situation, I’ve started saying, ‘Lord, help me to love these folk naturally’ because it helps me to get back to the feeling of love instead of acting out of flesh (boyyyyyy…this is easier said than DONE).

The aha moment– When I begin to act on love and not flesh, I extend to them grace.

When you feel yourself going around the mountain over and over again with different situations connected to people, you can only control your potion of going around the mountain.

Whether you’re dealing with a family member that needs a little love; a husband or wife that needs some grace; a co-worker that needs attention; an individual that needs something, but you don’t know what that something is, know—you can’t fix it. Because you only have control over you.

It’s with the control you have over yourself that has the power to reroute the situation in a different direction.

Given these points, know that when you begin to take your hands away from fixing it, God can move on your behalf to ‘repair’ whatever is broken or seems broken.

P.S. Know that it is okay to have the feeling of wanting to fix it because you’re human. But also know, when you begin to release it from your hands, The Universe begins to take over.

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