How To Begin The Process Of Overcoming An Imperfect Situation

Starting From a Hobby, To Producing Various Types of Handicrafts

Be human on your journey because you were not created to carry around perfection.

For this article, I decided to share a love note that I wrote back in 2011… It’s amazing when you find things that meet you where you are in that season of your life.

From day-to-day, you never know what lies ahead. You wait, you wonder, you pray, you believe, you doubt-but nothing changes. Then what do you do next? You press into God-the Higher Power that controls the universe. Pressing in can be an emotional and strenuous task, but that’s when the enemy of your mind becomes defeated, which gives you power to keep goingKnow that with pressing in, comes victory.


The perfect situation does not exist, but the situation that will challenge you, grow you, and strengthen you does exist.

If you are in a headspace where you don’t understand all of the happenings that are causing you undesirable feelings, know that this too will pass.

I wish I can tell you when it will pass, but I can’t. However, I can tell you that even in the midst of a storm, God is right there even when it does not feel like it (you may not want to hear it, and that’s okay to be in that space).

As you continue your journey each day, those things that you think are not changing—are changing. It starts with the mindset to keep going in spite of what it looks like to your natural eye.

You have already won this battle; you just have to keep walking it out to see the manifestation of your victory.

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